Notre processus d'embauche

Étape 1


Thanks for Applying! The recruiter working on this position will review your application shortly. Once reviewed, if you're a good fit for the role, the recruiter will reach out to schedule an introductory phone screen. 
Étape 2


Our recruiting team is reviewing your candidacy. If they believe your background matches what we are looking for, they will reach out to schedule an introductory phone screen. 
Étape 3

Phone Screen with Recruiting Team

The recruiting phone screen is an informal discussion lasting 30 minutes. During this time we will primarily focus our call around your background. Towards the end of the call, the recruiter will go over ASC Engineered Solutions background. As well as cover details pertaining to why we have the position open, what the role will be responsible for, and more inside knowledge on the department. 

If the role is the correct fit for you as a candidate, the recruiter will wrap up the call by covering what the next steps for the recruiting process will look like. 
Étape 4

Hiring Manager Interview

Your first round interview will be conducted with the Hiring Manager for the position. This will be a 30-45 minute interview. 

Prior to the interview, make sure that you do your research on the hiring managers background. This will help you to come up with 2-3 questions pertaining to their background and the role within ASC. 

Looking up ASC Engineered Solutions on Linkedin is also a great resource. Utlizing the companies Linkedin life page will help you gather further knowledge on the company. 
Étape 5

Onsite Interview

During your onsite interview you will be meeting with various team members from the hiring manager, HR, and other leaders within the department. 

It is recommended to arrive 5-10 minutes before your interview start time. It's best to bring a few copies of your resume. 

We always recommend to dress to impress! Wear what is comfortable to you, but is presentable to the hiring team. 
Étape 6


After the final interview, if the team is a "yes" your recruiter will handle the offer process. 

They will reach out to verbally extend the offer. During this call the recruiter will cover all of the information surrounding your offer. 

After the phone call, the recruiter submits the formal offer letter internally for approval. Once approved the offer letter will get sent to the candidate to review and sign. 

Following the signed offer letter ASC will run a background check/drug screen. Your offer is contigent on passing both. 
Étape 7


You've signed your offer letter, and the BG/Drug screening came back cleared. 

Yay! You're officially a part of ASC Engineered Solutions. Your manager will reach out to you before your start date to let you know your training schedule.

If you need anything in the meantime between from when you're notified your background/drug screen has cleared to your start date please reach out to your designated recruiter.